VHSL Football - Common Opponents for Eastside & Northwood in 2012

The table below shows the common opponents for Eastside & Northwood in 2012.
We try to determine a point spread based on how teams fared against these common opponents.

    Northwood  2-0
75-12     37.5- 6.0    31.5
  Eastside  2-0
103-8     51.5- 4.0     47.5
Common Opponent Eastside is favored by 16 points using the Common Opponents Method.
Rye Cove   Northwood 34 Rye Cove 0   Eastside 55 Rye Cove 8
Twin Springs   Northwood 41 Twin Springs 12   Eastside 48 Twin Springs 0

Actual VHSL Football Games Between Eastside & Northwood in 2012

Northwood vs Eastside    0-1 Northwood Eastside
GY Game Date Winning Team PTS   Losing Team PTS   Playoff Home Team Rate W L Rate W L
2012 11/10/12 Eastside 23   Northwood 16   Playoff   9.9 5 6 28.9 8 4